Statistical Researches:
on all conditional and complete systems with the
chance to identify the number of combinations developed for each
single condition in the system (Symmetries, Parallels, Number
intervals, Total, Evens, Odds, Consecutives, Groups of numbers etc.),
or in the archive of past winning Lotto or Super5 combinations.
This function is particularly important when you
want to reduce a system without compromising its statistical value.
Researches on all traditional parameters of
system-conditioning: Symmetries, Parallels, Number intervals, Total,
Evens, Odds, Consecutive steps from 1 to 9, Group of numbers etc.
Statistical Research on Rare or Frequent numbers
displaying the number of combinations developed and the relative
percentage of probability.
Statistical Research by Rare or frequency of all
possible groups of Primas, Ambos or terns with 90 numbers (Lotto draw
history) - (42 numbers for superfive history).
Research of Series of personal numbers by Rare
and/or Frequency of Lotto and/or Super5 groups in Prima, Ambo, Terno,
Quaterno, or Super5.